
Dec 29, 2010

Connor: "I think it's 350."
Lori: "What is 350?"
Connor: "My fever."


Dec 29, 2010

Lori: "Connor, your cereal is on the table."
Connor: "It's cereal. S-E-I-L-L. But it's S-L for short."


Dec 27, 2010

Connor: "Why did you call that animal a cantaloupe?"
Papaw: "I said it was an antelope."
Connor: (laughing) "Oh, I thought it was because it had a lot of vitamin A."


Dec 25, 2010

Connor: "Mom, Ethan snorfles like a pig."


December 23, 2010

"Dad, can you help me alphabeticatize my Lego toys?"

Growing Up

December 23, 2010

Jason: "Boy, when did you get so big?"
Connor: "Like 5 months ago."


December 23, 2010

Connor is playing with his new set of Toy Story 3 Legos. Jason asked if he liked them. Connor exclaimed, "Love 'em! Real much."


December 23, 2010

Connor: "How long before we open presents? I'm just asking. How many seconds?"

Diced Tomatoes

December 21, 2010

We were listening to the radio and heard a commercial for diced tomatoes. Connor gasped, "Diced tomatoes?!?" I told him when you dice something, you chop it up into small pieces. He said, "Oh. I thought you meant you make little tomato squares, put dots on them, and roll them like in a game."

Great job

December 2010 ("twenty-ten" as Connor calls it)

"Mom, Great job for making that baby."

Visiting Upstate Mississippi

March 19, 2006

While we were visiting New Albany, Jason's father (Papaw) had some men cutting down trees that were next to his house.  Uncle Tyler took Connor outside to see what was going on.  One of the men leaned over to pick up a large tree stump.  Tyler asked Connor, "Who is that?"  Connor waited for a few seconds.  Then, the guy stood up with his arms around the stump.  Connor yelled, "The Hulk!!"

The First Five Years

This is a video that Jason (Daddy) made.  Absolutely wonderful!

Santa Taus

December 2005 - Connor - Age 2

Sweet Boys

Who's There?

Dec. 16, 2010

Connor: "Mom, Knock Knock"
Lori: "Who's There?"
Connor: "Orange.... No, wait, Apple... No, Orange. ... Banana. Um, yea. Banana."


Connor to Ethan: "If you fuss one more time, you are grounded. No nipple for one month."


June 1, 2009

After eating a snappy turtle with butterfinger at Bops and having to chew for a long time, Connor asked, "Did I just eat a finger?"


April 9, 2009

Connor called his big toes "thumb toes."

Bunk Beds (#2)

September 2010

When we moved in all the baby furniture, Connor was excited about the changing table. He called it the "three-headed bunk bed."

Bunk Beds

Feb 1, 2010

Lori: "Connor, having a bunk bed would be cool."
Connor: "No, let's get a three-headed bunkbed.  One for me and one for each of the twins."
Lori: "Would it be ok if we didn't have twins?"
Connor: "That would be fine.  We could just have twins later."


He started singing, "Bring an otter to a ball." (The correct lyrics to the Mulan song are "Bring Honor to us all.")


While watching the 2008 presidential debates on tv, Connor quietly started chanting, "Ceeeeeeeupdownupdownup" over and over. After about 30 times I realized he was saying what the light was doing around the edges of the CNN logo on the bottom of the screen.

Connor loves his brother