
December 29, 2011

"Mom, what is the plural of giraffe?


December 25, 2011

Lori - What would you think if you had a little sister one day?
Connor - It would be ok. But if you can help it, I don't want one.

US President Placemat

December 19, 2011

Connor was looking at his US President placemat while he was eating dinner.

Connor - "Franklin Purse and James Bakugan! I didn't know they named a TV show after a president!"
Me (laughing) - "Pierce and Buchanan"

Connor - "Ronald Regions. That's where you used to work!"
Me - "Ronald Reagan."

Connor - "John Calvin College. No, wait. It's Cool-eh-didge. Calvin Cool-eh-didge."

Pump It Up

December 16, 2011

We are at Pump It Up with our homeschool group. Connor was having trouble finding me in the basketball arena with Ethan.

Connor (to a staff member): Have you seen my mom?
Staff: What does she look like?
Connor: Well, she has pants...

MichaElf Jackson's Thriller

December 11, 2011

Connor let me transform "Star" (our Elf on the Shelf) into MichaElf Jackson in Thriller.  We have entered our Elf in this Elf Contest.  It would be awesome if we win.

We made the MJ Thriller jacket, added black spiral-curly hair, and painted a pair of Thriller boots.  We had the help of some of Asha's Monster High Dolls.  I made Star bendable with the instructions here.  I think we did a great job!  Go and like our MichaElf here!  I think we are #79.

Jingle Bells

November 24, 2011

"… Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse-headed sleigh."

Bass Pro Christmas

November 21, 2011

"At the Bass Pro Shop, it isn't the real Santa. He's a fake Santa. And the reindeer aren't real, either. Well, they are real. They killed them and put them in suspended-animation."


November 15, 2011

After Tae Kwon Do, Connor was talking jibberish to one of the other students in his class. The boy's father laughed and said that it must be something in my cooking. Connor exclaimed, "It was the mushrooms!"

Tiny Touch Phone

November 15, 2011

"Ethan's play phone is a Tiny Touch Phone by Vuh-teh-ch."

(He tried to phonetically sound out VTech.)

Tae Kwon Do

October 15, 2011

We are headed to Connor's first martial arts tournament! In the car, we are talking about his Tae Kwon Do white belt form, Chon-Ji.

Connor - Dad, you remember I showed my Chon-Ji to those people at that restaurant, Chicken Papayas.
Lori (to Jason) - He means Popeyes Chicken.
Jason laughs.
Connor - Yeah, I meant to say Chicken Pa-Popeyes.
Jason laughs harder.

(Connor was trying to imitate the commercial that sings, Love that Chicken from Popeyes, but it comes out "Chicken Pa-Popeyes.")


October 7, 2011

Lori - You know there was a time when there were no TVs.
Connor - Well, if there were no TVs, there must've been T-Rexes.


October 11, 2011

Lori - Are those boxers getting too small?
Connor - No, they are good.
Lori - I'll go get some more if they are too small. They make larger sizes.
Connor - Like Dad's boxers are bigger. When Dad passes on, I'm gonna use his boxers.


October 11, 2011

We are discussing the difference between the words "miner" and "minor."

Connor - I am a minor. Ethan is a minor. You are not a minor. You've passed being a minor. And Dad is passed a double minor. He is a triple-minor because he isn't 20 anymore.

Mickey Mouse

October 9, 2011

"Mickey has two big ears, yellow shoes, red pants with 2 white dots on them, white gloves, and a long nose with a period at the tip of it."


October 1, 2011

Jason - Where do you want to eat? Popeyes? Wendy's? Kentucky Fried Chicken?
Connor - Not Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Jason - We just ate there the other day. You wanted to go there.
Connor - No, we didn't eat there.
Jason - Kentucky Fried Chicken is KFC.
Connor - It is? Well, y'all have got to tell somebody!


October 9, 2011

"Some Disney movies aren't educational. Some of them have someone that dies. Nemo is a Pixar movie, and Nemo's mom died. But no one died in Monsters Inc. Movies need to have a happy beginning, a sad middle, and a happy ending."


September 18, 2011

Connor has been extremely interested in dinosaurs for the past few months. We were watching a documentary on sea dinosaurs. We saw a paleontologist gently brushing some fossils at an excavation site.

Lori - Connor, you know that you can be a paleontologist one day.

Connor - I do want to. But I just want to get it [the fossils] out really fast and get it over with.


September 2, 2011

Connor speaking to a lady during our day out:

"I'm doing homeschool this year. Mom is my teacher, and my dad is more like the Principal. You don't see the Principal very much. Unless you are in trouble."

Dad's Birthday Cake

September 1, 2011

"For Dad's birthday, we need to get him a Call of Duty cake."

Connor's song

June 10, 2011

Connor started singing a song he made up while we were in the car one day. These were the different verses.

"Ethan is using his foot as a pick-ax. A pick-ax. Ethan's Bubba is a redneck. Ethan's Mom is good at cookin'. Ethan's Dad poots a lot."

Angry Birds

August 14, 2011

Connor and Jason were shopping when Connor saw some Angry Birds toys. He picked one up, turned to Jason, and said, "Be real still and pretend you are a pig!"


August 16, 2011

"I was just singing the ABC's in my head. I sang it way too fast and my brain stopped working for a little while."

Over the Box

August 24, 2011

"I'm thinking overheaded. I'm thinking over the box. I mean I'm thinking out of the box."


August 20, 2011

Connor - There's a Boner in my game.
Jason (inquisitively) - There is a what in your game?
Connor - You know. That guy in Mario that is only bones.
Jason - His name is Dry Bones.
Connor - I call him Boner.
Jason (laughing) - Well, let's call him something other than that.

Types of Movies

July 31, 2011

An astute observation:

"There are 3 types of movies. One is like 'Handy Manny.' It is only drawn by hand or computer. One is like 'Wild Kratts.' Part of it is animated and part has real people. The other one is like 'Transformers.' It only has real people."


July 24, 2009 (Age - 5 years)

"I want to eat some of those rooster crackers."
(He meant chicken-in-a-biscuit crackers.)


July 28, 2009 (Age: 5 years)

We wanted to eat at a new restaurant called Cheddars. When we were driving down Lakeland, Connor looked out his window and asked, "Where is Cheese?"


August 3, 2009 (Age - 5 years)

(After taking a sip of Sprite): "I burped out of my mouth. But sprite steam came out of my nose."


Sept 9, 2009 (Age: 5 years)

"What kind of candy is this called? Are they called Zeps?"
(He meant Pez.)

Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe

Sept 12, 2009 (Age: 5 years)

I was reminding Connor of "Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe." He started, "Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe. Catch a Tiger on his toe. If somebody has 50 dollars, give it to me."


Oct 9, 2009 (Age: 6 years)

"Mom, the word "poop" is a palindrome."

Against the Law

Oct 16, 2009 (Age: 6 years)

Connor (to his neighbor Greyson) - Never hurt a woman because it is against the law and you'll go to jail.


June 12, 2011

Connor - Daddy, there are 4 Peters I know of.

Jason - Who are they?

Connor - Peter Parker. Harry Potter. (slight confused pause)

Jason - Harry Pott...

Connor - (interrupting) Ok. 3 then.


July 30, 2011

"That is disgusting. Who would put gum on my dad's restaurant table? They will pay dearly for that."

Country music

July 30, 2011

Lori - Do you like country music?

Connor - No, I like city music. Like Justin Bieber. Now that's good city music.

Swim Suit

July 20, 2011

"Mom, you look beautiful in your swim suit. It really suits you."


July 17, 2011

Connor was taking a bath. He said he must be allergic to going under the water. He said, "Every time I go under the water and it goes up my nose, it hurts and it makes me have to sneeze."

Chuck E. Cheese's

July 17, 2011

We remembered that Connor used to call Chuck E. Cheese's "Chucky Jesus" when he was younger. Jason asked him if he remembered. Connor said that he called it that because he thought it was a restaurant with a cheese Jesus.


July 16, 2011

Connor hears a noise at the front of our house. He looks out the door to see our neighbor cutting his grass. Connor exclaims, "It's just Mr. Andrew plowing his field."


June 10, 2011

Connor - Mom, you are my BMF.

Lori - What does that mean?

Connor - My Best Mom Forever.


June 3, 2011

Connor - You know how sometimes people say "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse"? Well, do you know what insects say?

Jason - No. What do they say?

Connor - They say they are so hungry they could eat a horsefly!

Jason - (laughing) Well, then. What does a horse say?

Connor - Neigh!

(later on they decided on what a horse would say - "I'm so hungry I could eat a person.")

Bath Water

May 26, 2011

Connor - Dad, I don't want to wash my hair in the water I pooted in. ... I just pooted again. ... And again. ... And again.


May 23, 2011

"We had a dance contest. And I won. 'Cause I've got moves."

GMC VanDura

May 22, 2011

Connor saw an old GMC van outside. He said, "Now, that's a bizarre vehicle."


May 8, 2011

Asha: I'm going to wait until I'm 13 to start dating. When will you start dating?

Connor: When I'm 65. I hate kissing, hate kissing, hate kissing.

My Dad

April 15, 2011

We were sitting down for dinner. Ethan was wearing a bib that said, "My Dad is cooler than your Dad." Connor read it and laughed. He said, "That doesn't make any sense. We have the same Dad!"


April 17, 2011

<Connor pretend-playing>
"My name is Call-ah. But you can call me Duty. I'm Call-ah Duty!"


April 4, 2011

Lori: Hey, Bud. Your cheeks are so red. Are you hot?

Connor: Yes. I'm hot. <pause> B-b-but not hot, like the "beautiful" hot. I'm hot like "A hotdog is hot."

Captain D's

April 2, 2011

"No, I don't want to eat at Captain D's. It makes me seasick."


April 1, 2011

Connor: Mom, Tangled is just like the movie Happily Never After. The stories are similar. And so are the characters. It's sort of like Happily Never After 3.

Lori: Well, why not 2?

Connor: Because it's like Home Alone. There's Home Alone 1 and Home Alone 2. But in Home Alone 3, they have different characters.

Phone Number

March 28, 2011

"Here, Mom. This is my friend's phone number from school. He wanted me to have it. But it's probably not right, because he always gets his numbers all mixed up."


March 29, 2011

Connor saw a sign at Sonic for a Chicago hotdog. This was his concern:

"Mom, that hamburger bun has dirt on the bottom of it. And then it has a hotdog in it. And then it has fruit on top! Who would eat that?"

Asha and Connor Eating Dinner

March 29, 2011

Connor, Asha, and Ethan were visiting Mamaw Lucile and Mimi. We sat down for dinner. Connor and Asha decided to sit in the same seat to eat. While we were eating, Asha and Connor had an interesting exchange.

Asha: What year was I born in?
Connor: It was 2003, because I was born in 2003 and we were born in the same year.
Asha: It worked! I just sent him a mind message! He said exactly what I was thinking.

Little Gentleman

March 23, 2011

Connor (to Ethan): You are such a good little gentleman, aren't you?!?
[Ethan scratches Connor on his face and pulls his hair.]
Connor (laughing): Well, he's not so gentle, is he?


March 9, 2011

Connor is watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Ethan while he's eating breakfast.

Connor: Mom, Goofy turned into a baby! He tried to turn into a knight, but the machine turned him into a baby instead.
Lori: He wanted to be a medieval knight?
Connor: No, not an evil one. A good one.

The Mural

March 4, 2011

I took Connor to the doctor.  The office waiting room is covered with animal murals.

"Mom, look! There are raccoons.  And look FrootLoops! I mean toucans!"

Favorite Restaurants

March 5, 2011

We were talking about favorite restaurants on our way home from dinner.

Jason: Where is your favorite hamburger restaurant?
Connor: McDonalds.
Jason: Even if they didn't have a playland or toys, would it still be your favorite?
Connor: Yep. I just love the way they make 'em.
Lori (to Jason): Where is your favorite pizza restaurant?
Jason: Well, right now, I really like Dominos.
Connor: I just made you say Dominos!
Jason: How did you do that?
Connor: I was just whispering "Do-Mi-Nos" and you just said it!
Lori (laughing with Jason): Wow! You must have mind-control.
Connor: Nuh-uh! If I had mind-control, we'd be on our way to McDonalds right now!
<Hysterical laughter from Lori and Jason>
Jason: Fair enough.

Ethan Alien

March 1, 2011

We are shopping at Renaissance when Connor yells at a store sign: "Mom! That store is called Ethan Alien! Look!"  

I turn to find him pointing at Ethan Allen.


February 26, 2011

"With Ethan's slobber, Mom's brains, Dad's punchiness, and my Karate class, we are UNSTOPPABLE!"

Best Friends

Jan 1, 2011

Connor was holding Ethan on New Years Day.

"I love him so much. He's my number 2 best friend. Daddy is my number 1 best friend. He's number 2."


January 6, 2011

"Mom, are pears gritty because they have grits inside them?"


February 19, 2011

We were ordering our dinner from Kyoto's. Connor wanted the steak.

Jason: How do you want your steak cooked? Medium?

Connor: Medium? No, I'll have a large.

Voting for Friends

February 14, 2011

Connor: Who would you vote for to be your friend, God or the devil?

Lori: I would definitely choose God.

Connor: Good. Because the devil would get you in a heap of trouble.


February 11, 2011

"Mom, if you get stronger, try to remember not to fight me. I don't want to have to beat you up. I know Karate."

What's the Word?

February 10, 2011

"What is that word again when you eat a bag of chips, then you go play for a long time, then you come back and eat the chips, but they aren't very good? Stale! Yeah, that's the one."

So Sad

February 10, 2011

"I'm so sad that Ethan can't eat cake on his birthday. I'm so sad that Dad's Heman toys got burnt. He plus Man equals Heman."


February 10, 2011

"This ice pack is gonna warm me off."

Pigs in a Blanket

February 8, 2011

Lori: What do you want for dinner?
Connor: I think you know...
Lori: Brussel sprouts! Yes!
Connor: No, no. You know.
Lori: Pigs in a blanket. Yes!
Connor: No, we don't even eat pigs. Besides they don't even wear blankets. Do you know what their blankets are? Mud!


January 31, 2011

Connor: (singing to Ethan to the tune of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town") "You better not cry, you better not cry, you better not cry. I'm telling you why. The Easter Eggs are coming to town."
Why do they call it the Easter Bunny if we look for eggs?

Lori: That's a very good question. What do you think?

Connor: Then they should call it The Easter Chicken! ... No, wait. A bunny has hands so they can pick up the eggs. Easter Bunny is ok.

Old McDonald

January 30, 2011

Connor is singing "Old McDonald" to Ethan, trying to make him laugh. He comes up with several new verses.

Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
And on that farm he had a:
1. Dog
2. Frog
3. Log
4. Car
5. TV
6. Pillowfight

Smart 2

January 22, 2011

Jason: I've got 2 smart boys!
Connor: Yes, you do. S-M-R-T. Smart!

Family Names

January 22, 2011

Connor and I were talking about family names this morning.

Lori: Papaw Chris's name is Christopher Carwin.
Connor: That sounds like Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh or The Tigger Movie

Lori: Uncle Don's name is Donald Christopher.
Connor: Well, that sounds like Donald Duck!

The F-word

January 19, 2011

Connor: "Dad, can I say the F-word now?"
Jason: "Ok, now you can."
Connor: "Full! I am Full!"


January 19, 2011

"Dad, even though I'm grounded, that's okay. It's just part of life."

Grasshopper Revisited

January 18, 2011

Connor came to a part in the book where Ant planted some seeds. He showed me the picture on the page and named all the different foods.

"Tomatoes, carrots, beets, lettuce, and eggplant. Did you know I knew about eggplant? I learned it from when Dad was on his computer and would farm and feed those animals. He had eggplant on there."

(referring to FarmTown)

Grasshopper and Ant

January 18, 2011

Connor came home with a book to read for class. As he was reading the title, he said, "It says 'Grasshopper' but it looks like 'Grass-Shopper.'"


January 17, 2011

After he said something clever, Connor said, "Are you going to put that in my blog?"

New Socks

January 16, 2011

Connor was wearing his new socks inside out. When he took them off to fix them, he saw he had fuzz in between his toes. He said, "I'm cleaning the earwax out of my toes!"


January 16, 2011

"They don't call me Connor The Smart for nothin'."

Chain of Command

January 15, 2011

In the middle of a conversation with a friend...

Greyson: Well, go ask your mom if you can.
Connor: She won't let me. If I ask my dad, he won't let me. Ethan won't let me and he doesn't know anything. The dogs won't let me because they can't talk. And I can't let myself because I'm not the boss of me.

The greatest movie theater ever!!

January 2011

Connor came up with the idea that when he is older, he will own a movie theater. But it is not an ordinary theater. It will have many restaurants that you can eat before or after the movie. He wants to have a Mexican restaurant. Also a Gamestop, hair gel store, seafood, McDonalds, PetSmart, Newks, a pharmacy, and a Walmart. BUT, it's not going to be a mall.


January 13, 2011

Connor: Did you know that spiders aren't insects?
Lori: I did. Do you know what they are?
Connor: They are 'a rat'...something.


January 12, 2011

After watching a commercial for Midol.

Connor: I need some of that.
Lori: <laughing> Why would you need some?
Connor: Because I get cramps sometimes.



January 12, 2011

We are going to eat lunch at Newk's to see Dad (Jason). Connor is playing his DS in the backseat. I tell him that we will be there in about 30 seconds. He says, "Well, I suggest I get to playing!"

My Misty

Jan 2, 2011

Connor and his friend Greyson had a conversation about the recent power outage.

Connor: The power was out at my house after that tornado. Was the power out at your house?
Greyson (who is his next door neighbor): It was out at my house, too! Devin and Ashley came over.
Connor: I wasn't home when the tornado came. I was at My Misty's house.
Greyson: I have a Misty, too! My aunt Misty.
Connor: My Misty has 3 kids. She has Paylin, which is short for Pay-Pay. And Hunter and Maddy Maw.


Dec 31, 2010

Connor tripped over a pair of shoes that were on the floor. As he caught his balance, he exclaimed, "Boy, I have Jell-o legs tonight!"